
Seafile.conf settings

Storage Quota Setting (seafile.conf)

You may set a default quota (e.g. 2GB) for all users. To do this, just add the following lines to seafile-data/seafile.conf file

# default user quota in GB, integer only
default = 2

This setting applies to all users. If you want to set quota for a specific user, you may log in to seahub website as administrator, then set it in "System Admin" page.

Default history length limit (seafile.conf)

If you don't want to keep all file revision history, you may set a default history length limit for all libraries.

keep_days = days of history to keep

Seafile fileserver configuration (seafile.conf)

The configuration of seafile fileserver is in the [fileserver] section of the file seafile-data/seafile.conf

# tcp port for fileserver
port = 8082

Change upload/download settings.

# Set maximum upload file size to 200M.

# Set maximum download directory size to 200M.

Note: You need to restart seafile and seahub so that your changes take effect.

./ restart
./ restart