

When downloading a library, the client hangs at "connecting server"

First, you can check the ccnet.log in client (~/.ccnet/logs/ccnet.log for Linux, C:/users/your_name/ccnet/logs/ccnet.log for Windows) to see what's wrong.

Possible reasons:

  • Miss config of SERVICE_URL: Check whether the value of is set correctly in server's ccnet.conf.
  • Firewall: Ensure the firewall is configured properly. See [[Firewall Settings for Seafile Server ]]

Trouble shooting:

  • Manually telnet to see if you can connect: telnet your-server-IP-or-domain 10001

Failed to upload/download file online

  • Make sure you firewall for seafile fileserver is opened.
  • Using chrome/firefox debug mode to find which link is given when click download button and what's wrong with this link

Does Seafile server support Python 3?

No, You must have python 2.6.5+ or 2.7 installed on your server.

Can Seafile server run on FreeBSD?

There was an unconfirmed solution on the internet, which later has vanished. (Please explain the installation routine if you successfully set up Seafile in FreeBSD.)

Website displays "Page unavailable", what can I do?

  • You can check the back trace in seahub log files('''installation folder/logs/seahub_django_request.log''')

  • You can also turn on debug by adding DEBUG = True to and restart seahub by ./ restart, then refresh that page, all the debug infomations will be displayed. Make sure ./ was started as: ./ start-fastcgi

Avatar pictures vanished after upgrading server, what can I do?

  • You need to check whether the "avatars" symbolic link under seahub/media/ is correctly link to ../../../seahub-data/avatars. If not, you need to correct the link according to the "minor upgrade" section in [[Upgrading-Seafile-Server]]

  • If your avatars link is correctly linked, and avatars are still broken, you may refresh seahub cache by rm -rf /tmp/seahub_cache/*

How to change seafile-data location after setup?

Modify file seafile.ini under ccnet. This file contains the location of seafile-data. Move seafile-data to another place, like /opt/new/seafile-data. Then modify the file accordingly.

Failed to send email, what can I do?

Please check logs/seahub.log.

There are some common mistakes:

  1. Check whether there are some typos in the config, e.g., forget single quote, EMAIL_HOST_USER = XXX, which should be EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'XXX'
  2. Your mail server is not available.

Client stops syncing, needs download library again

Please check issue